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warning, teal deer abound

I don't pretend to be witty; I say what I mean, and if it amuses you, great. If it invokes flames, whatever, I need something new to rant about anyway.



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it's not buffy's fault
(really, what's a little violence between fans?)


Okay, I'm not in the mood to give you a real big explanation on why I think the whole high school shooting thing shouldn't be so huge an issue... But I'd like to offer a few points.

I'm not saying that it isn't a horrible thing. But here's where I'm taking this: They pulled an episode of Buffy. Yeah, I'm getting up in arms about a tv show. Deal, so are they.

A fictional show where a girl about 17 years old fights vampires is being denied because there's an incident in it that kinda sounds like what happened. Well, let's take a look at this objectively people!!

Buffy is a show about a girl and her friends who are all completely and total outcasts from their high school. Hmm... And instead of causing trouble, like the media says they should be doing, they're saving the world night after night!!!

The two episodes to really focus on are, as fans know, Earshot and Graduation Day Pt. 2. Now the subject matter of the former does have a lot to do with the Columbine issues of the same time. So of course, postpone it, let it sit for awhile, and we'll all move on. Dedicated fans can find synopsis, scripts/transcripts and even the episode itself online. Let it be our own decision.

But the second half of the finale, Graduation, deals with violence. But not the Real Life kind. What do I mean? Okay, spoilers be ahead, consider yourself warned.

Sunnydale's mayor is looking to ascend into a full demon form. That happens everyday, I'm sure. He chooses their graduation ceremony to do it, but the kids are warned. Buffy breaks the little "don't tell" rule and fills in her friends and her classmates- people who couldn't be bothered to talk to her. Basically she risks her life to get these people in the know and understanding the big bad that's coming. Okay, no biggie. But these kids don't just know. They get ready. They arm themselves. Ready? Violence ahead! They get all tricked out with mucho medieval survival gear, and a few modern day noisemakers, to do battle with........

a big giant snake demon. Yeah, I had one of those at my grad ceremony too. Alright, there's violence. All right, highschoolers are armed. But what the anti-violence, anti-freespeechers would have you think is that they're just all crazy and shooting away. But see, these kids went all out, with detailed, organized attacks against... the big scary snake and his vampire lackeys. They worked their asses off, fought, and died to save each other, their town, hell the world. I don't want a big snake guy running around, do you? Well, crawling, but in any case, he's bad. So this episode was pulled why...? So we couldn't see what teenagers could do given a good cause and good leaders? Uhm. Backwards? Yes. Watch the episode- if the WB is ever allowed to rerun it past the late summer, here it is, but I hope you're not watching 'cause it's all reruns anyway, so you're probably not.

This is the kinda thing we SHOULD be showing to kids and their parents, that teenagers can be GOOD PEOPLE and not just drug addicted, sex crazed, violence starved freaks!!