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Name:Sarah Rajala
AIM Screenname:nada
Greatest moments in high school:Long Windedness Alert!!
Yearbook meetings: pizza and Surge! (plus the vacation meetings racing around with the MASTER KEY), the Prom (dreamy sigh), the Banquet (God that was nuts. my throat hurt so much later!!), doing Peter Pan, even tho SHE got to be Peter, it was one of the coolest things I've ever done. Mrs. K's English classes (our own world (All hail George) and Johnny Castaway! Is this a dagger I see before me??) Mr. Soutra's classes-GOD I'M GONNA MISS THAT MAN!!! (swearing, lemurs and prison life. Butter Horse forever! Hey, did you guys ever notice...the ceiling's like, white! Have you ever wondered what human flesh tastes like? Naked volleyball?? Aren't you that ugly smart girl?) Mrs Gowdy's last period study and the chalkboard murals...aiding for Mrs. G and getting our fill of crackers and cheese!...Soph. Chemistry-passing notes classwide and writing on the desks!! There's a million other moments I'm sure I've forgotten...but friends I never could. Graduation was a lot less than I expected-and leave it to Heather to try to ruin that!!! (HI SCHMUCK!) The coolest class of all got to march out into the world on the Top Gun theme (couldn't you just see Tom and Val waving?)...tom...wait...TOM AND STEVE!!!!!! Sorry dudes. I'll shut up now. God those were a fun few years.

my birthday!